Safeguarding weekend across the diocese

This weekend, churches across the Diocese in Europe joined many across the Church of England by marking Safeguarding Sunday, a day to reflect on safeguarding’s importance, remember survivors of abuse, and recommit to creating safe and welcoming communities.
This important initiative is a chance for congregations to use their regular Sunday service to listen and talk together about how we can all make our churches safer for all and thank those working behind the scenes who help to make this happen.
In our diocese, we held events all through the weekend. On Friday people from across our diocese gathered online at a service where Bishop Robert preached, and Archdeacon Leslie Nathanial led the service. Watch the recording of the diocesan safeguarding service here:
Saturday saw Church Safeguarding Officers gather for their conference as a chance to meet together online, listen to speakers and share ideas together. The theme of this conference was centred on children and young people.
Sunday was Safeguarding Sunday which many chaplaincies marked with special services and prayers.
If you need to raise a safeguarding concern or offer support to anyone who needs it contact details are here